Rome 2023 – Day 3

| July 23, 2023 6:38 am

With the scorching heat outside and with a family member (A) not feeling well, we decided to sleep in today and await the arrival of someone special, Big J and the doctor for A. While we awaited our special guest, we decided it would be a good time to review some prices of goods and services in Rome, Italy. So let’s take a look at some receipts for things we bought down at the grocery store, Crai, a few blocks from our apartment.

The most prominent item on both receipts here is Acqua Levissima Naturale (bottled water) and a liter of water will cost 0.65 ($0.72 USD). On the right, there is a micro-fiber towel (1.49) I bought to scrub with in the shower because of the excessive sweat we’ve been enduring with the heat. On the same receipt is a charge of 1.25 for some honey. Overall, the costs of items isn’t high unless it is an imported item.

While the doctor came for a house visit to treat A, Big J arrived and we decided to head out to lunch. We initially wanted to try Japanese restaurant named Taki Giapponese Roma, we discovered the restaurant was closed on Sundays until August. We opted then to try a Chinese restaurant but it was full and had a 20+ minute wait so we finally decided to head to a pizza restaurant named Salvatore Di Matteo Le Gourmet. The restaurant features wood burning pizza ovens and the food that came out was spectacular!

Marghereti Traditionale (€8.50)
Don Gennaro gourmet pizza (€13)

Feeling hungry? Check out the menu.

After lunch we headed back to the apartment and the doctor had finished up with A and gave us a list of prescriptions to retrieve from the local pharmacy.

Most of the medications listed above are actually over-the-counter meds in the U.S. but here require a doctor’s prescription. Fortunately, A, had Italian health insurance so the doctor’s in-house visit was covered however the meds were out-of-pocket, about €60 ($67 USD).

After the walk back from the pharmacy, it was straight to the shower to wash off all the sweat. Did we tell you already that this will be our last summer holiday?

Right now, Big J and A are sleeping, one the jet lag the other the meds so we’ll gonna be chill tonight and maybe sneak out for dinner later.

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