We got a bit of a late start with the time change but the time difference from central time zone made up the difference.  We headed over to the Brighton Ski Resort and got situated with an array of skiis, snowboards and other gear.  The Flanders opted to go snow boarding while Marge decided to go skilling while Bart & Lisa hit the snow boarding slopes.  All took training classes while I sat back to document the experience with video and photography and to get in a few good laughs.
They say a picture speaks a thousand words so here are a few hundred thousand words in the following brief video clip.
After a long day of skiing and the brief but notable injury, we headed over the the lodge to hang out and enjoy the fireplace and jacuzzi.
Categories: Salt Lake City
2 Responses to “Day 2 – Brighton Skiing & Snowboarding”
Guero can give Shaun White a run for his money! Poor Elissa, Wita will kiss it and make it better….and you might get gorditas, too!
wow!!! i really didnt know josue and alexis had skills like that!!! poor elissita!!!!! did she cry alot? 🙁 i would have lol
ps that hot tub looks sooo cool with all the snow around it!!!!